Universitas Islam Riau, through the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM), provides research grants to faculty members. Internal research grants are awarded annually, with a maximum research duration of one year. In addition to internal grants, DPPM also encourages and facilitates faculty members who wish to participate in research activities funded by external entities, such as grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) and other national and international grants.
With the commitment of faculty members, financial resources, and specialized units supporting research, it can be observed in the figure that the number of research proposals funded from internal sources has increased from 2016 to 2020.
Research Projects 2016-2020 Overview
The increase in funded research projects at Universitas Islam Riau shows significant growth, especially in 2019 and 2020. On average, there were 243 research projects funded each year, including both internal and external initiatives. Currently, most research projects are funded internally. Looking at the trend, the proportion of externally funded projects has notably increased. In 2016, only 1.95% (4 projects) were externally funded, but this percentage steadily grew to 24.7% in 2020. Since 2017, Universitas Islam Riau has actively encouraged research faculty to seek external funding, both nationally and internationally.
Aside from the number of proposals, examining the funding amount received provides a vital metric. The financial achievements of Universitas Islam Riau in research funding are illustrated in the figure.
Total Research Funding 2016-2020
From Figure 2.2, it is evident that the research funding at Universitas Islam Riau has experienced overall growth. In 2016, the total research funding, both internal and external, amounted to Rp 2,027,200,000. By 2020, the overall research funding had increased by 177.46%, reaching Rp 5,624,870,000. Figure 2.2 also indicates a highly significant rise in total external research funding from 2016 to 2020. In 2016, external research funding was only Rp 123,200,000. However, in 2020, the amount of external research funding reached Rp 2,728,520,000, representing an impressive increase of 2,114.7%.
Islam Riau
Directorate of Research and Community Service
Kaharuddin Nasution No.113, Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia Postal Code 28284
Email : [email protected]
WA : 0811-7686-805